I'm writing a blog.
Well that's nothing new you say, not for millions of other people, and not even for me. Yes I, like so many others, have had a failed blogging attempt in the past. Maybe two. I can't remember. Reminds me I should track them down and delete them or something. There's probably something incriminating or salacious contained in everyone's internet history.
No this one is going to be different. I write this - Post the First - on the household computer of what is soon to be my OLD house. I'm moving next week - around the corner. So while I may be starting a blog it may take a few weeks to get rolling - but I expect that's normal. It's approaching the silly season so I may have more time, or may not. It's silly. At the very least we're also approaching a new year, which, coinciding with my new home SHOULD give me a tabula rasa upon which to construct the habits of 2009 and beyond. Best laid plans.
As the description of this blog suggests it's an attempt to represent myself in words in the four main boxes I can slot myself into, or labels I can put to myself (unlike lots of people I think labels are really useful):
1. I'm a gay man - like the cock. I'm also very open about it. All that means is that if people ask me I don't lie, and if it's relevant to mention my ex-boyfriend in conversation with a stranger I will, and I don't play the pronoun game (my PARTNER, THEY work in marketting, THEY like movies, THEIR parents are from the country, etc). I'm also not a stereotype. I don't go out much, am a hopeless romantic, and fully expect the man of my dreams to appear any day now and sweep me off my feet. There'll be posts about dating, crushes, my depressing and relentless singledom, as well as pictures of hot hot men.
2. I like bodybuilding. And bodybuilders. I'm almost 27 as I write this post the first, and I've been going to the gymple (gym-temple) for about four years. Not long enough, and one thing I regret is not going sooner - but I'll talk about that later. In short, I train for size. I love the sport, but don't really have an interest in ever competing - not least of all because I'm nowhere near any kind of condition for it, nor do I have the help and support one needs to get there - least of all the enormous financial outlay needed. I'm just an amateur guy trying to get bigger without any help except magazines. There will be posts about my training, how it's progressing, perhaps even progress pics, as well as pics of professionals who I am in awe of and have enormous respect for.
3. I'm an occultist. This blog will also serve as a storehouse of ritual experiences and reflections on my spiritual journeying. For those freaking out or switching off I'll say emphatically that I neither worship nor believe in the Devil, I've never sacrificed a living thing, and I don't believe in Atlantis, Mu, or Lemuria, and I never try to convert people. My spiritual path is my own. I have interests covering Ceremonial Magic, Qabalah, Gnosticism, classical grimoires, Vodou, and have to acknowledge my beginnings on this path in Witchcraft and Paganism - although I no longer consider myself either Pagan or a Witch.
4. I'm an actor. I've trained here in Sydney for three years at a highly reputable institution. I have two postgrad qualifications - one in Theatre and one in Voice. So I'm a qualified voice teacher, specialising in accent and dialect. There'll be a number of posts reflecting my interest in voice, sound, language, linguistics, philosophy OF language, and so forth, as well as other about my attempts to break out as an actor.
Okay that's enough for now. Who knows when we shall meet again - although at this stage I'm sure I'm only talking to myself. Who reads blogs about gay bodybuilding occultist thespians anyway?
Moving Day
11 years ago