... good intentions etc. Specifically good intentions of updating this blog regularly, AND starting to log ritual experiences, AND starting to spice it up with some hot and inspiring musclemen.
Alas all is for nought when one has no internet connection at one's hot new home, nor enough shifts at work in a week where one can hop online regularly. No.
So this is the first post in however long, and it may be a little longer before the next post. But a next post there will be, be assured!
I'm currently in the penultimate week of rehearsal for a play which is part of Sydney's Mardi Gras Festival. It's a fabulous play, and I have a true gift of a role. I also have to do it in a sustained accent, which is a great challenge. I teach other people how to talk like New Yorkers, Hillbillies or Warwickshire farmers all the time, but it's a while since I've had to play a character in accent. This one is a New York Jew. I'm having trouble getting consistency with the short back-mid vowel in not and stop. It keeps veering more GenAm than New York - and of course the more pronounce the NY diphthong is, the more Jewish he sounds, and the director wants him to be a little softer. Hmm... It'll come together. First rehearsal on the set tomorrow night. Excitment.
I'm also the dialect coach on three other productions at the moment. Yes, typical Sagittarian. Just can't say no. If it'll help me meet new people and have new experiences, I'm in. And I'll find a third end of the candle to burn in order to be there. One of the plays is Angels in America Part 1. I now have a bit of a theory that the playwright Tony Kuschner read a bit of Western Occult literature in the writing of this play. Repeated Hebrew phrases like "Ha-adam, ha-gadol... Zefirot, Zazahot..." The appearance halfway through to Prior Walter of a vision of a book with steel pages and a burning Aleph emblazoned on its open page. Also the Angel keeps referring to "the breath" and "the ascent," "infinite" space, spheres, "Daughters of Light" etc. The final moment of Part 1 involves the actual arrival of the Angel, and the script specifies that there is blinding light shifting fiorst from pale light blue, to burning gold, to forest green, to royal purple, and finally bright white. I'm going to look in my 777 and my Stephen Skinner tonight to see if that figures in a particular colour scale... There's certainly a shitload of transmutational imagery and metaphor. The whole idea of Prior being infected, but having a part, deep in his core which is free of disease - like a spark of divinity. The idea of ordeal, initiation, there's a sexual edge to every encounter with the angel, and after this is "consummated" Prior is a "prophet."
Penny drop moment! Hadn't even thought of the parallel with Dee and Kelley before - ushering in a new age, the "Milennium Approaches" - Prior becomes a prophet, just as Dee and Kelley were ordained prophets of the new age - the Enochian angels were also all fire, poetry, hermetic, sexuality (let's NOT forget the wife-swapping episode), and most importantly, apocalyptic. One age must end as another begins, like the Rosicrucian Enlightenment, Christianopolis, etc. Prior finds a book under his floor in which must be written the new scripture. It's amazingly parallel.
I'm going to do some more research on Kuschner now. I love his writing (Bright Room Called Day was breathtaking - also features angels, and the Devil himself, no less).
Hmm... a lot more to talk about. Most notably in Pimping News - I'm on date number four with a lovely guy. Pumping Iron has been depressing me because of all the shit I'm doing I'm barely lucky to manage two days in a week. I'm just trying to not freak out about it, because I know this is just a two or three week period which will pass. Of course it doesn't help that Mr Fourth Date is a bodybuilder who goes four days a week, and I'm keenly aware of my "talk" of training and that I'm not currently doing much of any of it. Like I said, I'm trying to just keep perspective.
Okay, fingers crossed i'll find time for another post soon!
Moving Day
11 years ago