Another post! A miracle. Hopefully this will be less verbal diarrhea than the last.
In short I'm basically now able to say I'm seeing someone. So less pimping, and more... not sure what an amusing antithesis to pimping would be. It'll come to me.
Started as a friendly message on Biblio Faccio because we were both interested in bodybuilding, and neither of us actually knew anyone in the real world who also was. Messages just got longer and longer and we ended up meeting for lunch. It was a 1:30 lunch date, and I was seeing Grace Jones that night (another story!) and meeting my friend with the tickets at 7:00 for dinner. I figured I'd have plenty of time between lucnh and then to head home, and shower and change for Grace. But we were talking non-stop from 1:30 through to 6:30 and I ended up going straight to meeting my other friend.
From there we met to see a movie (Slumdog Millionaire - gorgeous, delightful, heart-rending, beautiful, uyplifting), then followed a few more dates inlduing Australia Day where we met to go to see Monet and the Impressionists at AGNSW but the line was outrageous so we ended up walking through the crowds to Circular Quay where we ate lunch, then we ended up going back to his place in the evening where he showed me all his bodybuilding books and we just talked into the night. Nothing happened. I think we were both a little shy.
Next time we met up to train together at Fitness Last. He's into High Intensity Training in the Mentzer/Yates style. Completely different way of training for me. Then we went back to his place again, and I took the plunge and kissed him, for which I think we were both grateful. He's since stayed at my place once, and come over for lunch another day. Tomfoolery ensued.
To be frank all the other serious bodybuilders I've ever met (with the exception of Con Demetriou who was just lovely - not to mention hot as hell) have been arrogant, and superior in their manner, and demonstrably macho. This guy is softly-spoken, sensitive, considerate, articulate, sweet, and just adorable all round.
A few years ago I had a joke that all I needed was a single, gay, attractive, decent, stable, bodybuilding wog - how hard is that? Oddly enough he fits all those criteria.
Moving Day
11 years ago