Further to my last post, I've continued to have frequent and vivid dreams. Most of which I couldn't remember. One involved many people all walking around carrying bunches of key, usually gold or brass keys with some silver as well. Had another where a large girl dressed in black lace was being fed and asking for something called "mangalangas" which she had been promised - I've searched for what this may be but couldn't find anything.
The Country Gay is definitely moving out, and the Tall Doctor is moving in. This name comes from the fact that he is a PhD student, 26, and about a foot and a half taller than me. I'm bang on 6' and I was majorly looking up to him. I'm sure he's not really 7.5' but I'm not used to looking up to people so my perspective is skewed.
Another post to follow, reviewing an awful piece of theatre I was subject to last night.
Moving Day
11 years ago