Okay I couldn't think of a really witty blog title relating to Tarot. That's alright, I don't often talk about them. Lon's Lecture was a distillation of his book on Crowley's Thoth deck and ideas contained in a chapter of Chicken Qabalah. So they weren't necessarily new to me, but listening to Lon talk about it all was just fantastic. He related the story of designing his deck - the Tarot of Ceremonial Magick, which he had laid out on the table before him. The sheer complexity of the symbolism contained in each card was impressive, but when he showed how you could line the cards up to create an Enochian Great Table of Watchtowers I was staggered. It really did encapsulate the idea of the Tarot being a representation of the entire Universe.
His recounting of the history and development of the Tarot as we know it today was new to me. There is an excellent chapter in The Occult Mind by Christopher I. Lehrich (see right) concerning the Tarot and particularly how its nature expresses the nature of occult thought. I also have a book I am yet to read called Origins of the Tarot Deck which also extends to other games and divinatory systems.
Lon's take was very down to earth - as is to be expected - but suitably incorporating the spiritual element. The Tarot as we know them are undeniably spiritual objects, but how did they become more than mere games of chance and entertainment? Lon speaks fot eh two separate card games of Tarrochi and "Mamloc" (didn't get the spelling of this from Lon but after searching I found references to the Mamelukes (see Mamluk) as a likely precursor to the traditional deck of playing cards we are familiar with. The former contributed the Triumphs/Trumps - the 22 Major Arcana - and the latter contributed the 56 Minor Arcana.
Contrary to what some occult writers would have us believe there was no brainstorming convention of esotericists in antiquity when these cards were conceived and organised with precision. It has been demonstrated that these cards have no documented usage as anything other than a social past time and game prior to the 18th Century. Lehrich asserts a specific origin as a divinatory tool, but rather than being an act of occult significance it is more a misreading and misappropriate of scholarship and history from a time when Egypt was not the historical Egypt but "Aegypt" - the illud tempus or "time which is now and always" a time out of time. If there was an Aegypt which was the haven of idyllic spiritual understanding, then we have clearly fallen far from this pristine time. And if we have in our very hands the remnants of that knowledge and profound understanding we have lost, we can perhaps bring humanity closer to that prisca theologica (the doctrine of a single, pure and veritable religion, inevitably one which has been lost and many (most) religious and psiritual traditions are trying to recapture or aspire to).
Unfortunately the Tarot simply shifted themselves together with little to no planning. Lon's assertion is that if you shake anything (from a tray of magnetic sand over magnetic plates to a deck of cards to a cylinder of yarrow sticks, etc) they will fall along the same or similar lines which represent a Universal quality - a mathematical quality. We had a brief digression into Qabalah this night - which I'll go into at greater length in my next post about the Sunday workshop. Essentially we introduced the concept of Unity (divinity) dividing itself into a series of qualities, giving rise to common and familiar principles. 1 into 3 (Aleph - height, Mem - breadth, Shin - depth), which is at the same time 7 (these 3 principles seen as binaries - 6 - plus the central point - 7), which gfives rise to the cubic space of 12 edges.
- 3 dimensions, 3 primal elements, 3 mother letters.
- 7 points of intersection, 7 planets, 7 double letters.
- 12 edges, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 simple letters.
This is the cube of space, seen in numerous esoteric traditions. It is the primal centre which unfolds at the moment of creation, and simultaneously is all of creation. It contains everything that was potential at the "beginning" and therefore everything that is "now" is still contained within it.
I'm again reminded of the illud tempus, and also of Reb. David A Cooper's book God is a Verb.The good Rabbi talks not about Creation (a thing which has happened) but Creation-ing (a thing which is ongoing) and not God (a man in the clouds with a white beard) but God-ing (a process, an outpouring, and action - i.e. a verb).
ANYWAY, Lon basically said that if you shake antyhing, it will fall along these universal lines. The Tarot fall along these lines. The Major Arcana are made up of 22 cards (3, 7, 12) which can each be linked to a Hebrew letter, an element, planet or sign of the zodiac, and the totality of the Tarot deck can then be systematically applied to other magical esoteric systems - the Tree of Life, the 72 Goetic demons, the 72 angels of the Shem ha-Mephorash, the temporal calendar, etc, etc.
The coolest thing Lon spoke about would have to be his own deck and the way he spent three days and two nights (I think) ritually invokiing every single spirit of the Goetia and the Shem-ha-Mephorash into the "mother" deck of his cards when he received it from the publisher. When you view the Tarot this way - every card does literally contain spirits because the represent a part or a facet of the Universe.
Further Qabalistic musings were great penny drop moments for me. Imagine a Qabbalist sitting thinking about God. God is one, God is Unity, God is perfect. What can you say about this God? Not much except that it is very unified, and one-ish and singular. What if we broke it in half? It wouldn't be as perfect as the One, but we'd be able to say more about it. Then we have the idea of Two - God is duality. Now we can say a bit more about God - hot/cold, high/low, good/evil, light/dark, etc, etc. What if we break it up a little more? Not as perfect as the Two, and certainly not that fabulous One, but what can we say about Three? LOTS of things! Not only do we have polar opposites but we have something in between - hot/medium/cold, high/middle/low, thesis/synthesis/antithesis, etc, etc. Breaking it up even more we get more and more facets and can see more and more unfolding from the One, but each, although containing the perfection of that One, is imperfect because of its distance and dependence upon the One. Now imagine that this Qabalist in not a little old Rabbi with a beard and a hat, but the One itself. All of this is the One thinking about itself.
I also had a major penny drop about Dee's Monas Hieroglyphia, which I read recently and must admit had a lot fo trouble understanding! But I finally got the whole 1 is 2 is 3 is 4 is 5 is 6, etc, etc. I might do a separate post about that.
In any case, according to the system of correspondences, as a Sagittarian born on the date I was, I fall under the following influences/have ties to the following Spirits:
- Major Arcana: Temperance (Art) card,
- Minor Arcana: Queen of Disks, 10 of Wands (Oppression)
- Archangel: Advakiel
- Angel: Saritiel
- Shem-ha-Mephorash Angel: Reiiel
- Goetia: Ronove
- Qlipothic Intelligence: Saksaksalim
- Order of the Qlipoth: Nachashiron - Snakey Ones
One question which still remains is the attribution of the 36 small or pip cards of the Minor Arcana to the Planets and Zodiac. Aries is the start of the Wheel of the Zodiac, but Saturn is the beginning of the Qabalistic planetary order, however in the system of attribution, the 1st decan of Aries is attributed to Mars, not Saturn. I naturally asked this question and Lon said it was a very good one. Apparently it was MAthers or Waite who made the attribution which essentially leads to the wheel starting with the energy of Mars dignified in Aries, and finishing with Mars in the 3rd Dec of Pisces, hence Mars is doubled up. This doubling gives the energy of the Wheel a little push over the edge. Personally I find this very arbitrary - the Wheel may just as well start and end with a double Saturn, which could symbolise a diminishing, or a death, commencing in a rebirth and moving on to an expansion with Jupiter. But, I know that this is a system, and as no system is perfect, it works in spite of - or perhaps because of - its imperfection.
Little snippet sof info I'd love to have been able to explore on the following day workshop on the Tarot include that all the Court cards reside in the Aces. Also the justification for the Shem ha-Mephorash attributions makes a lot of sense - there are 36 pip cards, and twice 36 is 72 - hence the 72 Shem ha-Mephorash angels and the 72 Goetic demons, so each card contains 2 angels and two demons.
Enough about Tarot, I could ramble for a lot longer and this is already epic!
Next will be some deeper Qabalistic analysis and ruminations!
Moving Day
11 years ago