LON MILO DUQUETTE SYDNEY LECTURE - Saturday 1st November 2009
So the third installment of my Duquette experience was this fabulous day long workshop on the Qabalah - specifically Duquette's particlar take on it called "Chicken Qabalah" after his pseudoepigraphical character Rabbi Lamed ben Clifford's take. It was probably just as interesting hearing of the wiriter's process in creating such a character, abnd how the character is you, but can speak in a voice you never would - and inevitably begins to take on a life of its own.
Lon summed up the qabalistic approach very nicely with phrases like "Inscrutable Illumination" and "External Mysticism" (as opposed to the "Internal Mysticism" of the East). Qabalah is not a religion in and of itself - despite being tied intimately to it's Judaic roots - but it is priamrily a way of thinking. It is a way of thinking which orders the Universe into a neat and arbitrary package. I so appreciate Lon's use of the word arbitrary - again synchronistically it ties in with my current reading of The Occult Mind in which Lehrich asserts that any occult system of thought is necessarily arbitrary and culturally specific. This isn't a new idea, but he is somewhat distinctive in his acceptance of and tentative embrace of that fact (in his rigid academic and scholarly way).
The Qabalah is a system of Hebrew mysticism which uses the forms, symbolism and names of Judaic scripture. However its particular way of thinking is not entirely unique, and would actually be quite familiar to a lot of modern physicists.
We start at the very Beginning (a very good place to start) with 913. Yes that's right - BRAShYTh "In the Beginning..."
I'll have to come back to this post at a later point as I've run out of time at work...
To be Continued...!
Moving Day
11 years ago