Hasn't happened in almost a fortnight. It's killing me. I think that last workout I posted was actually the last one I did. It's all moving house and work being all over the place. Normally at this point in the year the call centre is really winding down - it's been winding down all year this year. But it's been really pretty busy. Great for money, not great when you have to move house as well, hence, bad for training.
Result is that due to poverty, lack of fridge to keep fresh, much less frozen food in, and time, I have also been eating terribly. I'm also trying to minimise the amount I'm drinking as well because the time of year.
So yeah, I'm holding a bit of water, the progress I'd made on my chest and arms feels like it's gone - I know it's not, but I'm feeling pretty flabby. Hate it.
Moving Day
11 years ago