Okay, hopefully last post for the day. This blog is looking like all words when it needs to be half words, half pictures. Well I'm at work and can't really upload anything. Hot pics will have to wait until I get the net at my new place, or I'm staying with my folks for Christmas.
I've carried the basics of Maman Brigitte's altar over to the new place. I reckon my balcony is going to be the best place for altars. So I've put her stuff there on one side of it, and have the beginnings of a Legba altar on the other side - I need to give him what he's owed as well as fulfilling my obligations to Brigitte. I just need the available funds!
I might try to set up a space for LaSirene somewhere too - she was so persistent in trying to get my attention earlier in the year, but has only been a little present since I fed her - just popking me every now and then. I think I need more of her in my life. Love, strength, spirituality, depth. Too much surface of late.
Moving Day
11 years ago