Had the Pagans in the Pub replacement event on the weekend - "Divination in the Park." Was really very nice. Only four of us in the end. Surprising considering how gorgeous a day it was, but then the day before had been torrential rain and icy winds - could have deterred people.
The two organising regulars were there - Chandler and Kiwi - and a New Girl. Chandler actually gave me one of his hand made candles - really lovely.
We sat down in Chatswood Park (in a fenced playground which looked like it was designed by a team coinsisting of Gaudi, Dali, Tim Burton, and MC Escher) and proceeded to lay out our divination tools. All I brought was my Thoth deck. Briefly toyed with bringing the Chinese coins for I Ching I bought years ago and never used, left my rune set as three are broken and again, I don't really use them, and I couldn't find my pendulum, which is gorgeous, but again something I never use. Then from the others came the Fairy Oracle cards and the Destiny Cards, etc, etc. We didn't end up looking at them thankfully - Angel Cards and their ilk make me want to vomit pink feathers. Horses for courses.
The Kiwi had brought along her I Ching oracle as it happened. It was actually really interesting. Required a lot of thought. I asked about the audition I had. Basically it said don't put all your eggs in a basket which is an unknown quantity. In other words don't plan for a year of work when it may not happen. I wasn't. I also asked about my love life, and to be honest I can't remember the response. Something typical like "Wait." Then we did a couple of Tarot readings. I did one for the Kiwi which I was quite proud of. Then I did one about my schoolboy crush. Again, oddly I can't for the life of me remember the result. I showed them all geomancy, which none of them had encountered - and I realised I'd forgotten a lot about it. Couldn't remember the names of three of the figures, and I even forgot two of them. Bizarre.
Then we did a bit of psychometry. I enjoyed this - the Kiwi had brought all these little objects like ballet shoes and a bit of masonry. I'd only ever read off metal objects so I was suprised to get a whole lot from the ballet shoes. New Girl had never done it and didn't know what she was doing, but gained confidence and got some pretty good hits!
Ended with us going for coffee. Coincidentally we discovered that the Kiwi's teacher is a woman I met in my year up in Armidale. Totally random. One of those people who have been in the Pagan/Magickal community for a while, and have assumed a position of authority for themselves. I really disliked her at firs,t but I think because I impressed her with a ritual she decided I was worth her time, and I saw a different side of her. I developed a lot fo respect for her knowledge and experience, but I just can't see how someone who claims to be so spiritually advanced/evolved can behave in such a superior fashion. She said things like "So why Vodou?" as though it was a really odd, and frankly irrational choice. I wanted to say "Why witchcraft? Why Islam?" Again. Horses for courses. And I'm aware of the double standard. But she was incredibly knowledgable, and generous once she decided you were worth it.
Anyway, I caught the train to the city with the New Girl and we had a great chat.
Moving Day
10 years ago