Okay, so updating has been a challenge with erratic work and no net at home. Best laid plans.
So I'll post several small updates today on relevant topics. (I have a triple shift at the call centre, which means 8:30-8:30 so have LOTS of time on my hands today)
The miscellaneous news is that my house move went fine. I'm still halfway between places with some basic things still at my old place, but mostly just my ritual gear. While my new room is huge, I do actually have a little less space than my wild fancies were envisioning. The room is your basic Sydney terrace house master bedroom on the upper floor, with a balcony. It has a westerly aspect (reminds of a drag name I thought would be especially good: Easter-Lea Aspect) and nice white louvers. The complications are the built ins on the south wall and the fireplace on the north wall. I LOVE the fact that I have both of them, but it just removes a lot of wall space for all my books, not to mention altar space. It looks like I'll have to move my altars to the balcony. Perhaps I'll be able to have on in the attic but it depends on what the other flatmates need to store there - two of them have the smaller rooms, hence have precedence for attic space. I still need to construct my bed because I have no screwdrivers. Working on it.
Getting to know new housemates a little bit. We have two females and one other male. I'll call the two females the Techie and the Actress, and I'll call the male the Dancer (although he's also a techie, a singer, a medical student, and a carnie - almost as diverse as a gay bodybuilding occultist thespian. But not quite). The Actress I already knew beforehand, but not very well. She seems to be keeping to herself a bit, organising her room, plus she's in a new relationship so is naturally spending time on that. We get along nicely. The Techie has a show opening this week and seems to be so tied to the production that she is litterally there 24 hours a day sometimes. She's always apologising for not being sociable as a housemate but I can totally understand. She also hasn't even been able to properly move herself in yet.
The Dancer is a little bit weird. Seems nice enough, just a little bit weird. He's a Country Gay so that could be it. (by that I just mean that I've noticed City Gays are largely *whistles blowing, ribbons flying, hands waving, high, flamboyant voice* GAY!!!, whereas Country Gays are *hands by side, serious stare from the dim recesses of the bar, deep, flat voice* Gay. ) He also smells a bit. And by this I don't mean he could do with a bit of deodorant - he uses WAY too much of that hideous Lynx spray - I mean that I was in my room having gone to bed, when he arrived home the other night and opened the door to his room. Under my door wafted this odour of feet, stale sweat, aforementioned Lynx, and clothes badly in need of a wash. I stuffed a towel under the door to stop it. I'm praying it's only because we only just got a washing machine, and he needed to wash all his clothes. This is what he said, but as I mentioned, he's a Country Gay and a carnie to boot so we shall see. Me cynical? Like I said he does seem nice enough.
Okay that's enough for the miscallaneous update. On with the specifics.
Moving Day
11 years ago